Research and education
Research and education

Yuzhnoye SDO is the principal design organization of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine, which practically from the moment of its foundation received the status of scientific organization. On May 29, 2020 the enterprise has passed due governmental certification of scientific institutions. By the decision of expert commission № 817, approved by Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science dated June 17, 2020, Yuzhnoye SDO is qualified as group ІІ in the area of engineering sciences – Stable scientific institutions leading in certain areas of scientific research -and is certified for three years. By the order № 2 of the Ministry of Education and Science dated January 4, 2021 based on decision of the Commission concerning the State register of state-supported scientific institutions (minutes № 18 dated December 23, 2020) State enterprise Yangel Yuzhnoye Design Office is entered the above register with two-year period of validity of the certificate.
There is Scientific and Technical Board at the enterprise, regularly dealing at its sessions with the advanced areas and results of technology research on subject areas of the enterprise, estimating topicality of the theses prepared by the Yuzhnoye employees and analyzing the results obtained by them.
Yuzhnoye SDO is exercising the integrated approach in scientific follow-up of the enterprise projects, basic idea of which is to consolidate the efforts of all components of the scientific and technical potential of the country to solve the tasks of the rocket and space industry. It is the consistency and task-oriented coordination of the total researches that provide synergy from the interaction of science and production, providing quality and competitiveness of the projects even in the conditions of the limited funding.
All in all scientific and organizational activity of Yuzhnoye SDO addresses the methodical and organizational issues, coordinates the scientific and technical, scientific and pedagogical activities, thus providing the exchange of scientific experience, enhancing the technical level and competitiveness of the products, skill level of personnel and research and design efforts. It also consolidates the scientific and technical status of the enterprise and supports business relations with the regular scientific partners, customers and investors.