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Research and education
Research and education
Yuzhnoye SDO is the principal design organization of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine, which practically from the moment of its foundation received the status of scientific organization. On May 29, 2020 the enterprise has passed due governmental certification of scientific institutions. By the decision of expert commission № 817, approved by Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science dated June 17, 2020, Yuzhnoye SDO is qualified as group ІІ in the area of engineering sciences – Stable scientific institutions leading in certain areas of scientific research -and is certified for three years. By the order № 2 of the Ministry of Education and Science dated January 4, 2021 based on decision of the Commission concerning the State register of state-supported scientific institutions (minutes № 18 dated December 23, 2020) State enterprise Yangel Yuzhnoye Design Office is entered the above register with two-year period of validity of the certificate.
There is Scientific and Technical Board at the enterprise, regularly dealing at its sessions with the advanced areas and results of technology research on subject areas of the enterprise, estimating topicality of the theses prepared by the Yuzhnoye employees and analyzing the results obtained by them.
Yuzhnoye SDO is exercising the integrated approach in scientific follow-up of the enterprise projects, basic idea of which is to consolidate the efforts of all components of the scientific and technical potential of the country to solve the tasks of the rocket and space industry. It is the consistency and task-oriented coordination of the total researches that provide synergy from the interaction of science and production, providing quality and competitiveness of the projects even in the conditions of the limited funding.
All in all scientific and organizational activity of Yuzhnoye SDO addresses the methodical and organizational issues, coordinates the scientific and technical, scientific and pedagogical activities, thus providing the exchange of scientific experience, enhancing the technical level and competitiveness of the products, skill level of personnel and research and design efforts. It also consolidates the scientific and technical status of the enterprise and supports business relations with the regular scientific partners, customers and investors.

General agreement on scientific and technological cooperation between National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Yuzhnoye State Design Office in the area of rocket & space technology was concluded at the initiative of Yuzhnoye SDO in 2012.

For interaction with NASU the coordinating committee was formed, consisting of members of NASU presidium, Yuzhnoye SDO officials and leaders of workgroups on main areas of activity. The second long-term plan for five years on the joint scientific and technical activities of Yuzhnoye SDO and NASU scientific institutes has been already approved.

Plans of joint scientific and technical activities of Yuzhnoye SDO and NASU scientific institutions are developed and approved every year based on mutually agreed offers from both parties to implement this plan. The established interaction structure ensures early planning, plans coordination and timely signing, as well as possibility of their updating due to occurrence of new problems.

Implementation of the signed General agreement, basic research results as well as jointly approved regulatory documents are published in the Science for the space industry, the coordinating committee newsletter.

Interaction of Yuzhnoye SDO and NASU scientific institutions is constantly extending, cooperation has reached qualitatively new level. NASU institutes are invited into the partnership to realize the promising projects of the enterprise.


Systematic and dedicated cooperation of Yuzhnoye SDO with institutes of higher education facilitates involvement of the well-trained young specialists at the enterprise and use of the achieved technology advance to build new competitive models of rocket & space technology.

At the initiative of Yuzhnoye SDO meetings were held with the management and leading representatives of Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Defense. The following agreements were reached as a result:

  General agreement between the Yuzhnoye State Design Office and institutes of higher education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on joint research in the area of rocket & space technology dated February 07, 2013;
 General agreement between the Yuzhnoye State Design Office and institutes of higher military education and research organizations of Armed Forces of Ukraine on the joint research in the area of rocket & space technology dated June 12, 2013.

Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science concluded a number of agreements on scientific and technical cooperation with leading technical colleges of the country to exercise the joint activities of Yuzhnoye SDO with institutes of higher education. Among them – Oles’ Gonchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro Polytechnic National Technical University, National Aerospace University «Kharkov Aviation Institute», Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, National Aviation University, Zaporozhye National Technical University et al. Commercial contracts are also concluded for the approved areas of research.

Yuzhnoye SDO has considerable experience in the area of educational activities, training the graduate students together with the leading institutes of higher education. About 2000 industry-specific specialists have been trained at the departments of Dnipro National University and National Aerospace University «Kharkov Aviation Institute».

At the present time within the framework of the Concept of specialists training under the dual form of education, approved by the Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science, Yuzhnoye SDO takes an active part in building relations with the institutes of higher education and is involved in the pilot projects of Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science.

Contracts have been concluded with the number of leading institutes of higher education: National Aerospace University «Kharkov Aviation Institute», Dnipro National University, Dnipro Polytechnic National Technical University, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, which will provide academic education at the universities and practical experience will be gained by students at the enterprises within the scope of the joint Training, scientific and production centers of dual education. Yuzhnoye SDO has worked out an experimental platform to practice the models of mutually beneficial relations between the universities and enterprises. Results of these activities will be the basis for the development of the legislative act on introduction of dual education in Ukraine.


Active participation of the enterprise employees in the activities of the international scientific academies shows that high level of enterprise’s scientific research and products are recognized by the international scientific community. First of all, it is the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), full members of which are at present 11 employees of the enterprise, and five scientists are the corresponding members. Yuzhnoye SDO specialists take part in the scientific forums, organized under the aegis of IAA, as speakers and group leaders, join the common scientific research and act as experts in the research data analysis.

Today two corresponding members of the International Engineering Academy, 2 academicians of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine are also working at the enterprise.

One more form of Yuzhnoye SDO scientific activity organization is participation of experts, scientists and researchers in different scientific events, held in Ukraine and abroad as well as online, where they can present and discuss results of their current and future research projects.


One of the promising forms of scientific efforts organization and one of the main products of scientific divisions are scientific publications of Yuzhnoye employees. To date enterprise scientists have publications in editions, indexed in the international scientometric databases, and are included into the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine. Scientific publications not only summarize and preserve the accumulated Yuzhnoye SDO experience in aerospace technology development, but also form a scientific and methodological pool in all areas of enterprise expertise.


For more than 20 years Aerospace Educational Center (AEC) is active at the Yuzhnoye SDO. Primary goals of the AEC are interaction of Yuzhnoye SDO with the leading research institutes and institutes of higher education of Ukraine in the area of scientific researches, training of experts and scientific brainpower for Yuzhnoye SDO, training and improvement of professional skills of the enterprise personnel and foreign specialists, organization of development and publication of the scientific works.

The center comprises the specialists training department,
scientific & organizational department and postgraduate course.


Yuzhnoye’s Postgraduate School opened in 1969 for the training of scientific personnel. More than 300 candidates of sciences and 40 doctors of sciences were trained in the Postgraduate School, including well-known scientists in the field of physical and mathematical, engineering, historical, and philological sciences.

Today, scientific personnel are trained in accordance with the existing regulations:

Law of Ukraine No. 1556-VII “On Higher Education” dated July 1, 2014

Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 261 dated March 23, 2016

The Postgraduate School conducts educational activities in the field of higher education at the third (educational and scientific) level. Doctors of Philosophy are trained in Field of Knowledge 13, Mechanical engineering to major in Special Field 134, Aviation and Rocket and Space Engineering, in accordance with the educational and scientific program in the licensed amount of nine students in compliance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 99-l “On the Licensing of Educational Activities” dated January 22, 2019.

The head of the educational and scientific program (ESP), an educational and scientific program implementation group, and an educational process (EP) implementation group, which includes Yuzhnoye’s leading specialists and scientists, were approved to implement the educational and scientific program and to ensure the implementation of the educational process of PhD applicants.

to website Postgraduate School

Uninterrupted (over the whole period of labour activity) occupational education of the personnel takes place at the enterprise in order to consecutively extend the knowledge, improve the skills, taking into consideration the subject of the enterprise activities, new challenges and areas of activities. Training and improvement of professional skills of the engineers and technicians (young professionals as well as executives) take place both at the enterprise and at the external organizations.

Teaching staff of the enterprise comprises scientists and leading experts of Yuzhnoye SDO, performing considerable instructional and teaching support, introducing the advanced forms and methods of training.


Yuzhnoye SDO has a wide experience in training and improvement of professional skills of foreign specialists. Cooperation in this area has been organized with many countries, such as Egypt, Turkey, Kazakhstan etc.

Leading specialists and scientists of the enterprise developed programs for training and improvement of professional skills on design and development of rockets, spacecraft and their systems. If required, programs can be updated to comply with customer requirements.

In future Yuzhnoye SDO specialists are ready to share their experience and knowledge with foreign colleagues.


Yuzhnoye SDO holds educational tours for the workers of the aerospace industry of Ukraine, foreign specialists, students of higher educational institutions and schoolchildren. Leading specialists and research engineers are guiding the tours.

During the tours, the sightseers have the possibility to find out about the enterprise history, state-of-the-art equipment, test facilities, manufacturing departments and to see the exhibition samples of the new technologies.


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© Yuzhnoye State Design Office. 1995 –2025. All rights reserved. When citing materials, link to the site is required.

© Yuzhnoye State Design Office. 1995 –2025. All rights reserved. When citing materials, link to the site is required.