
On April 12, the employees of Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office celebrated two remarkable holidays at once – the International astronautics day and 65th anniversary from the day of Yuzhnoye SDO foundation.
Yuzhnoye SDO (from 1954 till 1966 – Special design office №586) opened a new page in the history of national rocket production – development of combat missiles and rocket systems with autonomous control systems.
Yangel Yuzhnoye SDO celebrates the 65th anniversary with the established reputation of one of the leading aerospace enterprises of the world. Over its history, SDO has developed 13 strategic missile weapon systems, ten types of launch vehicles, more than 40 types of liquid and solid-propellant engines, 70 types of spacecraft. Over 1100 spacecraft have been orbited under the state and international programs, more than 400 of them were Yuzhnoye-developed. Around 2000 flight models of ballistic missiles have been launched.
Today Yuzhnoye SDO is actively represented at the international market of space services, participating in the large international projects, such as Antares, Vega, etc. Among the major advanced developments – the whole line-up of rocket engines, spacecraft and systems, Cyclone and Mayak perspective families of launch vehicles, based on the best design and engineering solutions, multi-purpose transport space module, UAVs, lunar research base.
Many colleagues and partners arrived to congratulate Yuzhnoye SDO with 65th anniversary. Among distinguished guest were Leonid Kuchma, the president of Ukraine between 1994-2004, Pavel Degtyarenko, the chairman of the State Space Agency of Ukraine, Gleb Prygunov, the chairman of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional council, People’s Deputies, representatives of the national hi-tech enterprises, National Academy of Sciences, higher educational institutions.
Scientific and engineering board session was held that day in YSDO, where the documentary, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of YSDO, was screened, the new publications prepared by the YSDO employees were presented, such as collection of the sci-tech articles, historical booklet, the book «Tests and operation of the rocket systems» etc. Deserved veteran of the enterprise medal was awarded. Awards were presented to the distinguished employees and veterans by SSAU, Dnepropetrovsk regional state administration and YSDO.