
On September 17 the First Ukrainian Space Forum, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, opened in NASU conference hall.
The forum hosts the following events:
– 18th Ukrainian Conference on Space Research;
– 6th GEO-UA Conference;
– Inter-branch workshop Informational and Ephemeris Support of Space Projects;
– Business Forum and Exhibition Space and Innovations.
Yuzhnoye State Design Office takes part in the exhibition Space and Innovations. The exhibition stand features YuzhSAT-1 SC, models of Antares and Cyclone-4M rockets.
At the plenary meeting on the day of forum opening Alexander Kashanov, Deputy General Designer for Research & Academic Activities, delivered the report “Yuzhnoye SDO cooperation with the National Academy of sciences of Ukraine to solve the space industry topical issues”.
On September 18 the 18th Ukrainian Conference on Space Research initiated its work.
The 18th Ukrainian Conference on Space Research features the following workshops:
- Study of near space (the Sun, solar-terrestrial coupling, magnetosphere, ionosphere) and ground-based radiophysical space research;
- Space biology, medicine and microgravity sciences;
- Instrumentation, materials and technologies for space research;
- Spacecraft and space exploration systems.
Yuzhnoye SDO specialists are to report in workshop 4 Spacecraft and space exploration systems.