
Successful test firings of Taifun-1, 122 mm artillery missiles of Grad MLRS, developed by Yuzhnoye SDO (Dnepr), were held on April 29, 2020.
Artillery missiles were fired from Alibey, Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence firing range, situated in Odessa region, by the range’s combat crew involving the BM-21 fighting vehicle under the technical supervision of Yuzhnoye SDO.
Movable ground data acquisition and measurements station, developed by Yuzhnoye SDO, was for the first time involved in this kind of firings to acquire real-time airborne telemetry from the artillery missiles.
This was the second testing phase. The first phase, also successful, was held in November 2019 at the multi-service range in Dnepropetrovsk region to verify the minimum firing range of the artillery missiles.
Besides Yuzhnoye SDO the following organizations were involved in the development of Taifun-1 artillery missile: Pavlograd Mechanical Plant, PA Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant, Pavlograd Chemical Plant, SE RPC Fotoprylad, Research State Institute for Chemical Products etc.