
On June 4, the Ministry of Environment Protection of Canadian province Nova Scotia approved a project of a spaceport of Maritime Launch Services (MLS) Company in Hazel-Hill area near the city of Canso with regard to its ecological safety. Ecological expert review of Cyclone-4M project for injection of spacecraft from the territory of Canada was successful. A procedure of that expert review was complicated and long-term, but as a result, we obtained a conclusion on permissibility and acceptability of expected levels of impact on the environment. It is an important milestone in development of the project of Space Launch System (SLS) intended for SC injection into low and mean circular orbits and also elliptical near-Earth orbits, including Sun-synchronous orbits. Then, after registration of rights to use a land plot by MLS Company, construction of the spaceport can be started, presumably at the end of 2019.
Cyclone-4M Integrated Launch Vehicle (ILV) will be used for injection of satellites; that ILV was derived from successful technical solutions of previously designed LVs. Cyclone-4M ILV structure is created using a simple two-stage scheme and it is based on application of existing or already designed assemblies and units. That approach allows to considerably reduce the costs and time for development. Stage1 configuration is based on Zenit LV Stage1 structures and Antares LV Stage1 Core Structure which are in series production at Yuzhmash plant. A propellant system “kerosene-oxygen” is used in that configuration. Cyclone-4 ILV Stage3 is used as Cyclone-4M Stage2, that Stage3 was modified for support of autonomous filling by high-temperature propellant components at Filling and Neutralization Station (FNS) and subsequent ampulization. Cyclone-4M ILV Payload Unit (PLU) — is a modified PLU of Cyclone-4 ILV. Elaboration of Cyclone-4M ILV Preliminary Design has already been completed.
At first, it is supposed to use Cyclone-4M LV of medium class only (designed by Yuzhnoye State Design Office and produced at Yuzhmash plant) at Launch Complex in Nova Scotia. But later on, that spaceport can be used for launches of Launch Vehicles of other types.
Cyclone-4M project — an exceptionally commercial project. Realization of that project will support the work load for Yuzhmash plant, it will provide the feasibility of Launch Vehicles production in Ukraine, it will create conditions for formation of new proposals on application of an effective Launch Vehicle at launch pads of other countries of the world.
Location of Future Spaceport in Nova Scotia: View from the Space.