
Project description
To expand its computing capabilities, Yuzhnoye State Design Office has created the first computing center in Ukraine based on the state-of the-art high-performance computer technologies. The center has significant computing power and all the necessary software and technological infrastructure to solve a wide range of engineering and scientific problems.
Taking advantage of the computing center capabilities, Yuzhnoye SDO can offer cooperation in the following areas:
Taking advantage of the computing center capabilities, Yuzhnoye SDO can offer cooperation in the following areas:
• Providing access to the hardware and software system computing resources to use the customer’s software.
• Joint work to solve complex applied and scientific problems for the development of a full cycle of computational processes based on high-performance computing technology and modern engineering analysis systems (ANSYS CFD (ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS CFX), ANSYS Mechanical, OpenFOAM, SU2 etc.).
To expand its computing capabilities, Yuzhnoye State Design Office has created the first computing center in Ukraine based on the state-of the-art high-performance computer technologies. The center has significant computing power and all the necessary software and technological infrastructure to solve a wide range of engineering and scientific problems.

Taking advantage of the computing center capabilities, Yuzhnoye SDO can offer cooperation in the following areas:
• Providing access to the hardware and software system computing resources to use the customer’s software.
• Joint work to solve complex applied and scientific problems for the development of a full cycle of computational processes based on high-performance computing technology and modern engineering analysis systems (ANSYS CFD (ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS CFX), ANSYS Mechanical, OpenFOAM, SU2 etc.).

Computing system basic specifications:
• 295 teraFLOPS peak performance;
• 3840 compute nodes based on Intel Skylake architecture available;
• 18.4 TB RAM;
• Intel Omni-Path high-performance communication architecture;
• Parallel operational data warehouse providing a read/write speed of ~5 Gbps.
The computing center also features:
• Hybrid computational nodes with NVIDIA V100 graphics accelerators;
• Graphic nodes for preparation and processing of computational models and big data visualization.