
Project description
Statistical modeling of LV and separated parts flight; analysis of the probabilistic characteristics of controlled flight parameters.
Evaluation of the payload delivery accuracy when using inertial or inertial-satellite navigation systems.
Design of spacecraft constellations and modeling of the relative motion of constellation elements.
Selection of spaceplane reentry trajectories.
Ballistic design of interplanetary missions and missions to the Moon.
Predicting orbital flight of space objects:

Spacecraft flights ballistic and navigational support software development and maintenance:

Calculating ephemerides of potentially hazardous asteroids, observation of the evolution of their orbits (NASA and the Minor Planet Center (MPC) at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Unites States), and identification of potentially hazardous asteroids approaching Earth.
Launch vehicle flight controllability and stability analysis.
Development and verification of algorithms and programs for launch vehicle guidance, navigation, and stabilization.
Development of algorithms for control systems of process installations and programming of governing controllers.
Launch vehicle launch dynamics analysis and launch support structures jettison dynamics analysis; analysis of stages separation dynamics; payload fairing jettison and payload separation dynamics analysis.
Analysis of mechanical systems dynamics in technical objects (mechanisms, devices, etc.):