
Spacecraft assembly and electric tests facility, complying with the cutting-edge world standards, has been built and put into operation in Yuzhnoye SDO.
At the end of 2018 government of Ukraine approved the bill «On establishment of the National special-purpose technological space program of Ukraine for 2019-2023». It is thanks to the new spacecraft facility, built on the basis of Yuzhnoye SDO, that the realization of activities under the space program can become possible, namely, development of Sich-series Earth remote sensing satellites, Microsat and YuzhSat scientific spacecraft, technological micro- and nano-satellites, advanced spacecraft for orbital service.
These days assembly of the flight models of such spacecraft as Sich-2-1 (Earth remote sensing spacecraft), YuzhSat (spacecraft for space experiment of the Aerosol scientific project) and Microsat (spacecraft for multiband monitoring of dynamic processes in the ionosphere) takes place in Yuzhnoye SDO.
Total area of the SC facility is 1000 m2, almost 300 m2 of which is occupied with cleanroom area in which the ventilation and air conditioning system constantly provides 18-25 ° C temperature, and 100000 class of air cleanliness according to the international standard ISO 14644-1:2015. Strict requirements like these are required to prevent the ingress of dust on the optical and other satellite systems.
Availability of such facility in Yuzhnoye SDO will maintain the capability to manufacture the spacecraft in Ukraine, as well as to create the closed cycle of development, manufacturing and testing of the satellites at our enterprise.