
The National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine held a meeting of the coordinating committee for cooperation between Yuzhnoye SDO and NASU scientific institutions. The coordinating committee members, the representatives of NASU scientific institutions, Yuzhnoye SDO and mass media were participating.
The participants discussed the progress of the planned joint YSDO/NASU scientific and research activities in 2019 and the plan of such activities for 2020.
The coordinating committee summarized that the cooperation between YSDO and NASU within the framework of the master agreement on scientific and technical cooperation in the field of space rocketry in 2019 was fruitful, including:
– elaboration of all possible design solutions of shell structures for residential service modules for the Lunar industrial and research base project;
– investigation of the innovative technology of hydrogen and oxygen generation using high-pressure membraneless electrolyzer for the Lunar base power generating units;
– investigation of strength and stability of shell structures of laminar composites at unsteady heating and under impact of static loads;
– accomplished development of multifunctional radio-absorbing coatings;
– development of the technology of friction welding with mixing on flat samples of aluminum alloys;
– accomplished tests of the first sample of the small-size nozzle block, made by means of laser welding;
– production of the first batch of green monopropellant for firing tests of the experimental structure of a cubesat class satellite propulsion system.
In 2019 the scope of financing of the joint research activities from the Yuzhnoye’s side made over 10 million UAH.
In the course of the meeting particular attention was paid to the issues of the scientific and practical conference titled “Contemporary methods of calculation and experimental finding of space rocketry characteristics”, held by NASU, SSAU, YSDO, that ended on December 12. The positive experience, gained from the mentioned activities, prompts to continue cooperation between YSDO and NASU research institutions on experiment-calculated simulation in the space rocketry.
Also, during the meeting the participants of the all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Contemporary methods of calculation and experimental finding of space rocketry characteristics” read out and handed over a letter of congratulations to the President of the National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, Boris Y. Paton on the occasion of his 101-th anniversary.
In particular, in the letter they mentioned that the conference was the evidence of the long-term cooperation between YSDO and NASU institutions and of further development of the scientific and research activities in the scope of the master agreement that was approved personally by Boris Paton in 2012.
Also, the President of NASU received warm congratulations from the participants of the conference:
“Boris Yevgenyevich, you are a legendary person, to whom the whole scientific world pays homage. The importance of your personal contribution into development of the national science and technology can scarcely be overestimated as well as the achievements of our academic institutions. We are grateful to the scientists and to you personally for successful solving of a whole series of fundamental problems that time after time occurred in the thorny path of the space rocketry development. Owing to enthusiasm of such personalities as you the science of today is acting efficiently in the interests of the future of mankind.
We particularly appreciate the fruitful scientific and organizational work of the National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine that is under your guidance and of its subordinate scientific and research organizations for support of the state and international space programs, help in creation of new specimen of the space rocketry and enginery. This support allows to keep to a high level of the space field and enable its further development.
Dear Boris Yevgenyevich, please accept our sincere and heartiest congratulations! We wish you sound health, creative power and optimism.
We hope that your authority and limitless human potential will keep serving long to our common goal – the scientific and technical progress of Ukraine”.