24 May 2017 was the first successful session day of the 6th International Conference “Space Technologies: Present and Future”.

Work in each session was efficient thanks to high-quality organization of the event as well as friendly and creative atmosphere. The presenters and the listeners cooperated in an active way; interesting questions from the audience made the reports more informative. The coordinators prepared spare rooms, where the listeners, who were interested in particular reports, had an opportunity to talk to the presenters and ask them additional questions in calm atmosphere without distracting others.

The discussions were so lively that the sessions were not always kept within the time limit. This fact indicates the topicality of the chosen issues and increasing demand for international conferences of this kind in general.

All participants had an opportunity to communicate with foreign colleagues as well as to study the numerous editions containing information about leading companies of the industry.

The Robert and Virginia Heinlein Prize Trust events were held as a part of the Conference and the participants had an opportunity to communicate with HPT Trustee Arthur M. Dula in person.