
April 10, 2014 is the 60th anniversary of Yuzhnoye State Design Office establishment.
Yuzhnoye SDO’s 60th Anniversary M.K. Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office faces its 60th anniversary with a deserved reputation of one of the world’s leading space enterprises. Having started its activity during the period of first steps in rocket development and space exploration, Yuzhnoye SDO have passed a long creative way from a small division of Plant #586 (SE PA YMZ now) to a largest aerospace company. Well-earned status and high scientific and technological level of today’s Yuzhnoye SDO is a fruitful result of many years of creative work of its founders – the pioneers in development of national rocket and space technologies and dedicated work of many generations of Yuzhnoye SDO employees.
Yuzhnoye Design Office was established by the Decree of CPSU Central Committee and Council of Ministers of the USSR on April 10, 1954 on the basis of a department of the Main Design Plant #586. Its original name was Special Design Office №586 (SDO-586), in 1966 it became Yuzhnoye Design Office. Main task of the new enterprise was development of ballistic missiles. Establishment of the SDO opened a new page in national rocket science – development of missiles on high-temperature propellants with autonomous control systems.
Development of space launch systems by Yuzhnoye SDO went hand in hand with continuous engineering search for science and technology solutions, many of them were implemented for the first time in the world, and today are recognized as space and rocket technologies classics.
Yuzhnoye Design Office as a prime organization established a powerful cooperation of manufacturing enterprises and research institutions. 13 strategic missile systems, seven types of integrated launch vehicles, more than 40 types of liquid-propellant engines and solid rocket motors, and 70 types of spacecraft (SC) were created in cooperation with its main partner – YMZ. More than 1100 spacecraft, including more than 400 SC, developed by Yuzhnoye SDO, were launched under the national and international programs. Around 2000 flight models of ballistic missiles were launched.
Each engineering product delivered to Customer, each launch of Dnepropetrovsk-made launch-vehicles, each Yuzhnoye’s SC played a significant role in strategic defense programs or became an essential milestone for major space programs.
During “Soviet” period Yuzhnoye Design Office was a main developer of strategic missile and space launch systems and was involved in strategic missile armaments race and fight for military space leadership. Yuzhnoye’s missile and space systems became a reliable element of USSR power. Yuzhnoye’s achievements in astronautics were acknowledged by the world community. Yuzhnoye’s manufacturing achievements were honored by such State awards as Orders of Lenin (twice) and Order of October Revolution, and working achievements of its team members were honored by sonorous titles and well-deserved rewards.
By the time the independency was proclaimed, Ukraine already had a powerful research and production cooperation of space and rocket enterprises associated with Yuzhnoye SDO that formed the basis for national space industry. The State Space Agency of Ukraine was established to manage the industry. Ukraine was accepted as a member of UN Committee on the peaceful use of space. The major current programs of Yuzhnoye SDO are: commercial activity at launch services market with launchers of its own design, development of advanced Earth remote sensing systems and launches of Yuzhnoye SDO spacecraft within such systems, development of engines for the products of its own, as well as for other companies, performance of works according to defense orders from Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and many others.
Currently Yuzhnoye SDO is actively involved in activities at the international space services market, participates in major international space projects, such as Sea Launch (with USA, Russia, Norway), Land Launch (with USA, Russia), Dnepr (with Russia), Cyclone-4 (with Brazil), Vega (with European Space Agency), and Antares (with USA). Also Yuzhnoye SDO creates R&D basis for further development of cooperation in promising space-related projects involving China, India, South Korea, Japan, Brazil, USA and European countries.
The enterprise focuses its efforts not only on current projects, but also actively conducts advanced R&D, intended to ensure sustainable development in future, full implementation of its scientific and technological potential and, as a result, succeed in development of up-to-date space products based on modern engineering solutions. Such projects include advanced family of environmentally friendly Mayak launch vehicles based on the best design and development solutions, unmanned aircraft, liquid propellant engines and solid rocket motors of different purposes, etc.
Today Yuzhnoye SDO, as a primary aerospace enterprise, is fully committed to maintain scientific and technological potential, created in USSR, and enable its further development in Ukraine.
Having a great experience in management of cooperation of advanced technology enterprises and organizations that shapes actual industrial capacity of the country, Yuzhnoye SDO is always open for cooperation in the area of high technology products in demand at the world market. Today Yuzhnoye State Design Office and PA YMZ are ready to accomplish full scope of design and development works, development tests and production of the up-to-date space products.