Alexander Degtyarev
Alexander Degtyarev

General Director
of Yuzhnoye State Design Office,
leading aerospace company in Ukraine,
member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Born on October 31, 1951, in the city of Yaransk, Kirov region, Russia. Graduated from Leningrad Mechanical Institute, major: aircraft propulsion, (1975) and from School of Economics at Dnepropetrovsk National University (2001). Underwent study courses and training in several aerospace companies of the United States and France.
After graduation from Leningrad Mechanical Institute, Mr. Degtyarev was directed to work at Yuzhnoye Design Office where he works now. Since the beginning of his career, Mr. Degtyarev has worked his way up from an engineer to General Designer – General Director of Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office.
1975 – 1999: Engineer, senior engineer, head of group, head of division;
1999 – 2005: Deputy General Designer-General Director, Foreign Economic Activity;
2005 – 2010: First Deputy General Designer-General Director, System Engineering and Integrated Business Development;
2010 – 2016: General Designer-General Director;
Since 2018: General Director.
Alexander Degtyarev gained experience in design, development, and test of strategic missile complexes and space launch systems. Mr. Degtyarev made a considerable practical contribution to the development and upgrading of the SS-17, SS-18, and SS-24 missile complexes, and to the upgrading and commercial use of the Zenit and Dnepr launch systems, several spacecraft and satellite systems. He made a considerable contribution to well-known space launch systems developed in international cooperation such as Sea Launch, Land Launch, and Dnepr. He places high emphasis on the implementation of long-term space programs to develop own spacecraft and propulsion systems for commercial applications.
It was at Mr. Degtyarev’s initiative that the marketing and foreign economic activity division was established at Yuzhnoye Design Office. With his active participation, many contracts and agreements were signed with leading space companies and organizations in Europe, United States, Egypt, Japan, Republic of Korea, and other countries. He is a consistent supporter of international cooperation between developers of aerospace technologies and strengthening of cooperation between Ukrainian developers. Yuzhnoye SDO guided by Alexander Degtyarev take an active part in the Cyclone-4, Antares (Taurus II), and VEGA programs.
Author of about 200 research scientific publications and papers on launch system development, upgrading, and tailoring for many applications, including scientific; author of 50 inventions and patents being the basis for competitive space launch system technologies. Mr. Degtyarev pays much attention to development of specialized science and to strengthening of research and production liaison between Yuzhnoye and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academic institutes, and institutions of higher education in many regions of Ukraine.
Academician of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2015), Doctor of engineering (2012), Ph.D in Economics (2006), member of the International Academy of Astronautics, IAA, (2005), Vice-President of the International Astronautical Federation (2015), Secretary of the Ukrainian regional division of the IAA (2005).
Decorated with the Order of Merit, 3rd and 2nd class (2002, 2011); Yangel and Pilyugin memorial medals of the Federation of Astronautics of the USSR; more than 20 medals of the Federation of Astronautics of the USSR, Russia, Ukraine, and other space organizations and institutions.
Honored worker of Ukrainian space industry (2001), Honored engineering worker of Ukraine (2004). Winner of the State Prize of Ukraine (2009), decorated with Vasiliy Utkin Gold Medal of the Russian Federation (2011).