Организация научной и образовательной деятельности

Организация научной и образовательной деятельности

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Организация научной и образовательной деятельности
Державне підприємство «Конструкторське бюро «Південне» ім. М.К. Янгеля»

Yuzhnoye SDO is a leading developing agency of the space industry of Ukraine and practically from the time of its establishment has the status of research organization.

At the company, the Scientific-Technical Council works, which regularly considers the issues of development work progress under company’s programs.

One of the promising forms of company’s research activity organization and one of the main products of scientific-technical activity of the company’s research divisions are the scientific publications of Yuzhnoye SDO employees. The scientific publications not only generalize and preserve the experience accumulated by Yuzhnoye SDO in space rocket hardware development, but also create the scientific-methodological backlog in all directions of company’s activity.

Another form of Yuzhnoye SDO research activity organization at which the specialists, scientists and researchers present and discuss the results of their work and plans of further investigations is participation in various scientific events taking place in Ukraine and abroad.

The Yuzhnoye SDO specialists participate on a continuing basis in the works of Dnieper Region Scientific Center of the International Engineering Academy.

Besides, the work is carried out with the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and with the scientific academies of other countries, professional training of the company’s employees and training of the scientific personnel are conducted.

Annually, the “Science for Space Industry” Newsletter of the Coordination Council for organization of joint work of Yuzhnoye SDO and research companies of Ukrainian NAS is issued.

Generally, the Yuzhnoye SDO’s scientific–organizational activity is directed at methodological, organizational support and coordination of scientific-technical and scientific-educational work, which ensures exchanging the scientific experience, increasing the level of technical developments and competitiveness of products, the level of personnel qualification and RD works, contributes to entrenchment of scientific-technical status of the company and maintenance of business relations with permanent scientific partners, customers, investors.


For training of scientific personnel, as early as in 1969 the Yuzhnoye SDO graduate center was established. At present, the training of scientific personnel is conducted according to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” dated 01.08.2014 and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine #261 dated 23.03.2016.

By Decision of Yuzhnoye SDO STC dated 02.02.2016, the specialties of Doctor of Philosophy training in the company’s graduate center were brought into accordance with new qualification.

In accordance with a law of Ukraine «On higher education» dated 01.07.2014 №1556 – ХII, work of postgraduate courses is likened to educational activity and it requires licensing.

In orders of General Director № 966 dated 19.04.2016, №3675 dated 05.12.2017 and №1645 dated 14.06.2018, there is the order of works for preparation of license trade of educational activity by Yuzhnoye State Design Office (SDO).

1. In accordance with license requirements, State Space Agency of Ukraine (SSAU) has given a permission for Yuzhnoye State Design Office (SDO) for realization of educational activity at the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education (postgraduate education) in the specialties «Aviation Technology and Space Rocketry» (code 134) and «Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies» (code 151) for obtaining a license.

2. The permission for realization of educational activity at the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education was included into Yuzhnoye SDO Statute.

3. A working design group has been created for elaboration, realization and supervision of an educational-scientific program in specialty 134 «Aviation Technology and Space Rocketry» by General Director’s order №2728 dated 2.10.2018. That group consists of:
Khoroshilov V. S., Doc. of Engineering, Professor – Design Group Leader;
Man’ko Т. A., Doc. of Engineering, Professor, Senior Specialist;
Shekhovtsov V.S., Doc. of Engineering, Senior Research Officer, Principal Research Officer;
Novikov A.V., Cand. of Engineering, Professor, Deputy General Director;
Zyevako V.S., Cand. of Engineering, Assistant Professor, Head of Department.

4. A program of entrance examination in specialty 134 «Aviation Technology and Space Rocketry» has been elaborated and approved by Yuzhnoye SDO Scientific and Technical Council (STC).

Licenses for Educational Activity (English translation has been made from Ukrainian original document)

Rules of admission to postgraduate courses (English translation has been made from Ukrainian original document)

Program of entrance examinations for postgraduate stud
in specialty 134 Aviation and Space-Rocket Engineering (English translation has been made from Ukrainian original document)

Program of english language entrance examination to postgraduate courses (English translation has been made from Ukrainian original document).


To provide the company with qualified and competent personnel, continuous professional training of all categories of employees from top managers to workers is conducted. The Space Rocket Training-and-Research Center (SRTRC) is engaged in organization and implementation of the training process.

For the purpose of coordination of scientific-methodological work and training-methodological work, at SRTRC the Training-Methodological Council was formed which includes the leading specialists and research workers of the company.

The responsibility area of the SRTRC Training-Methodological Council includes the issues of scientific-methodological support of company’s educational activity (training of students at university department branches, raising of qualification of Yuzhnoye SDO employees and training of degreed scientific personnel).

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